Formal Hearing: Sale of City Land

At the September 26, 2017 City Council meeting, the City Council will conduct a formal Public Hearing on the intent to sell the land located at the intersection of 238th and Halsey.  The land, the current location of the City Hall, is a total of 5.7 acres.  The hearing will occur at City Hall at 6 p.m.

City Property For Sale

The Wood Village City Council has been actively working with real estate brokers to market the land to regional developers, and a transaction with a regional builder/developer has been in negotiation for some months for a mixed use development.  This development would combine commercial and residential uses on the site.  The intent of the land sale is to induce a quality, high value development on this parcel, and place the land on the tax rolls.

The hearing being conducted is in accord with State Law that requires the City to provide notice and conduct a hearing prior to the sale of publicly owned land.  Oregon Law, ORS 221.725, requires the City to disclose the nature of the proposed sale and the general terms thereof, including an appraisal or other evidence of the market value of the property at the public hearing.  Interested residents are welcome to attend the hearing and shall be given an opportunity to present written or oral testimony.  You can also comment now or ask questions by sending an e-mail to, or by calling 503.667.6211.  Any comments that you may wish to share with the City Council in advance of the hearing are welcome, and will be shared during the hearing.

Williams and Dame, the potential purchasers, have identified a proposed site plan for the land, and elevations for development.  The site plan and elevations are as follows:

Proposed Site Layout


Retail Frontage on Halsey

Proposed Retail Frontage


Typical Elevations for Proposed Apartments

Proposed Apartments

Overall the site would have 166 multifamily units as proposed, and a total of 8,400 square feet of retail space.  We have not, as yet, heard of any specific retailers that are interested in the site.

Even if the hearing provides the ability to sell the land, and an agreement is reached with Williams and Dame during the executive session, there remains a series of actions that must be taken before the land sale and construction would actually take place.  If all goes very well, construction could begin in the summer of 2018.

If the City Council elects to proceed, the sale of the land would lead to the relocation of City Hall.  No site has been identified for such a move, nor have any details been developed on the specifics of a new location or the size, design, or type of building the City may construct to replace City Hall.

If you have comments or questions, contact Bill Peterson directly by e-mail Bill at or by calling (503) 489-6856. You can also provide comments for the hearing by calling (503) 667-6211.