Zero Waste Lunch Box Challenge

Zero waste lunch box hero; Take the challenge today!
Did you know.... the average student with a packed lunch produces 67 pounds of waste per year?

Become a Zero Waste Lunch Box Hero!

While the start of a new school year is still a few months away, it’s the perfect time to learn how to take the Zero Waste Lunch Box Challenge.

Use our Zero Waste Lunch Challenge activity packet, filled with fun activities and tips, to help the whole family on their zero waste lunch box journey!
zero waste; lunch box hero

Zero Waste Lunch Tips

Swapping disposable products for reusable ones is a simple and effective way to reduce your waste footprint. Learn how to become a Zero Waste Lunch Box Hero using the easy tips below!
Lunch tips-Swap this: plastic silverware, single-use drinks, disposable containers, paper napkins, paper bags; for that: reusable silverware, refillable bottles, reusable containers, cloth napkins, lunch box or tote bag.

Supporting Documents