Volunteer Applications Now Open

Volunteers Needed for Boards and Commissions

Did you know that you can influence the priorities and development of the City’s park system? Or did you know that you can help shape the City’s budget and priorities? There’s also a way to directly impact how the City looks and what future development might include. These tasks are accomplished by our various volunteer committees and boards. The City has a Budget Committee, Parks Commission, Planning Commission, and an Urban Renewal Board. Each one has at least one opening that you can apply to be on. You don’t have to have any specific experience; you just need to have a passion for the community and a desire to learn.

Applications are due Thursday, November 30th by 4:30pm.

The Council will then review the applications and hold interviews at its December meeting. Fill out the online form below or download the form and drop it off at City Hall or email to the City.

Supporting Documents

Community Volunteer Application (PDF)


Community Volunteer

Please indicate which Board, Committee, or Commission you are interested in Volunteering(Required)
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