Utility Rate Increase

With the completion of updated master plans for water and wastewater, Donovan Enterprises recommended a 4% increase to the water utility rates and an 8% increase to the sewer utility rates to fund future capital projects. Several additional recommendations to change the structure of the utility rate model were recommended, but the implementation of these changes was delayed until January 2025. This allows for plenty of notice, further City Council discussion and community engagement. Council adopted the proposed increases for water (4%) and sewer (8%) along with a 6.4% increase to the street/storm utility rate based on cost-of-living (CPI-Li) increases.

This increase takes effect on January 1, 2024 and applies to residential, senior, multi-family, business, etc. Increasing the bill every year allows for adequate capital replacement and maintenance for City utilities and avoids any drastic one-year increases in rates.

Water fees for a typical single-family residence (600 cubic feet of water) will increase by $1.31, wastewater fees by $5.02 and street fees will increase by $0.77. Please call City Hall if you have any questions about your utility bill.

Current utility rates can be found on the Utility Services page. These rates will be updated on January 1, 2024 to reflect the new rates. View the new utility rates for 2024 by clicking here.