Report a Spill/Discharge

Please call 911 if a spill/illicit discharge presents an immediate threat to human health or the environment and refer to the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality webpage for How To Report a Spill. The form below on this webpage is for lesser non-emergency spills and does not satisfy DEQ’s reporting requirement of a spill/release and the appropriate emergency response agencies should be notified.

A spill or illicit discharge can occur when something other than only rain enters the storm sewer system. The City’s Federally mandated NPDES MS4 storm water permit contains a list of allowable non-stormwater discharges (PDF), provided these discharges do not become a significant source of pollutants. In an urban setting, a spill/illicit discharge can be accidental spills or intentional dumping of pollutants like sediment, motor oil, pesticides, paints and household toxics that may enter the storm sewer system through drywells and storm drains. The NPDES MS4 storm water permit also contains a list of not allowed non-stormwater discharges (PDF).

Does the City of Wood Village Have a Storm Sewer System Map?

The City of Wood Village has a map of its storm sewer system (PDF) on its Stormwater System webpage and potential points of entry of a spill/discharge into the storm sewer system and where it may discharge to the nearest waterway can also be found using the City’s ArcGIS map tool. View maps from the Oregon Department of Transportation and East Multnomah County to see the stormwater infrastructure of each within Wood Village city limits.

What Do I Do If I See Something Other Than Only Rain Enter the Storm Drain or the Creek Looks Discolored?

If you see a potential contaminant such as those mentioned above or some other form of pollution entering the storm drain, or if you notice discolored water in the creeks, please submit the form below and/ or call Public Works.

If a spill/discharge event is an emergency, call 911.

If a spill/discharge is reportable, call the Oregon Emergency Response System (OERS) and the Natural Response Center.

Report a Spill/Discharge

What is the address of spill/discharge?(Required)
If address is unknown, please enter the street and nearest intersection.
Examples of non-petroleum oil are synthetic lubricant and cooking oil.
What is the estimated volume of spill/discharge?(Required)
Measured in gallons
Please include information that answers such questions such as: What does it look like? Color? Odor?
If photos are available, please upload
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 100 MB.

    Person Reporting Form

    Please leave blank if you would like to remain anonymous, but ensure we have enough information to contact you if you would like a follow-up.
    Name of Person Reporting
    Would you like the City to follow-up with you?
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.