Current Openings

Did you know that you can influence the priorities and development of the City’s park system? Or that you can help shape the City’s budget and priorities? There’s also a way to directly impact how the City looks and what future development might include. These tasks are accomplished by our various volunteer committees and boards.

The City has a Budget Committee, Parks Commission, Planning Commission, and an Urban Renewal Board. You don’t have to have any specific experience; you just need to have a passion for the community and a desire to learn.

Parks Commission

The Parks Commission serves as advisors to the City Council on the development,operation, and maintenance of city park facilities. The Commission meets on an as needed basis. Sometimesthere will be several meetings if a project is being developed or there could be several months with no meetings at all.

Current Openings: 0

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Budget Committee

Committee members review the budget and make recommendations to the City Council and Urban Renewal Agency each year. The Committee typically meets two or three times in the spring, usually in the evening.

Current Openings: 0

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Planning Commission

Planning Commissioners meet on an as needed basis (usually once per month in the evening) to enforce the City’s zoning codes. They review land use plans and make development recommendations to the City Council. Planning Commissioners are appointed by the City Council.

Current Openings: 2

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Urban Renewal Board

Board members track progress within the City and provide guidance on how to use funds for infrastructure systems, incentives for private investment, and redevelopment of the Urban Renewal District. The Board meets on an as needed basis.

Current Openings: 1

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