Stormwater Runoff

City of Wood Village Stormwater Inspection Program

The City of Wood Village holds a MS4 Phase II permit, serving a population less than 100,000 within a Census Bureau designated “urbanized area” (UA).

What Does This Mean?

The EPA has developed the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). NPDES attempts to reduce polluted stormwater runoff by requiring operators of Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) to implement best management practices to prevent contaminants from reaching our streams via stormwater runoff.

To maintain compliance, the City of Wood Village operates a Stormwater Inspection program based on federal, state, and local regulations. To learn more about what City requirements project developers must follow, visit our Stormwater Inspection Program page.

How Stormwater Runoff Creates Pollution

Rainwater flows from roofs, streets, or other surfaces into waterways, picking up pollutants as it goes. Ultimately, these pollutants end up in our natural waterways, lakes, streams, and oceans, creating health hazards for our communities and overall ecosystem, which is why implementing stormwater best management practices (BMPs) on a construction site is so important.

The Importance of Stormwater BMPs

Besides reducing pollutants in our waterways, there are a number of reasons to use stormwater BMPs at a construction site:

  • Protect workers and the public from polluted water runoff
  • Avoid costly delays by creating better flood control at the site
  • Protect sand, soil, and other materials used on the site
  • Fulfill legal obligations to reduce pollutants on construction sites
  • Protect water sources
  • Create environmental amenities, like ponds, rain gardens, and marshes, for waterfowl, native wildlife, and community recreation

Structural Vs. Non-Structural Stormwater BMPS