Plant Native Trees

Plant Native Trees for Clean Water & Healthy Habitat!

When it rains in forests and natural areas, rainfall seeps into the ground slowly, and gradually makes its way into local streams, where it flows cool and clean.  In urban areas, the scene is very different with many more hard surfaces like roads, parking lots, and roof-tops, etc. These impervious surfaces prevent rainfall from seeping into the ground naturally. Instead, stormwater travels quickly over these surfaces and picks up pollutants (automobile oil, brake dust) along the way. Most of this polluted stormwater then flows into storm drains, and goes directly into local waterways, which is unhealthy for fish, wildlife, and people.

You can help minimize the impact of urban stormwater runoff by planting native trees and shrubs, and by capturing stormwater with a rain garden!  Stormwater that soaks into vegetated rain gardens and swales is filtered by the soil and plants, and then released slowly into streams as nature intended.  Native plants are a great choice because they are adapted to local pests, diseases, and our climate, so they thrive without chemicals or extra fertilizers.

Want To Learn More? Attend a Free Workshop!

East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District (EMSWCD) offers free classes where you can learn more about how to landscape for clean water and healthy habitat. In fact, the City of Troutdale is hosting three workshops at the Troutdale Police Station this spring to help you get started!

  • Rain Gardens 101 – Saturday, February 3rd, from 9 a.m. to  1 p.m.
  • Naturescaping Basics – Saturday, March 24th, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Native Plants – Saturday, April 28th, from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

You can register for a class on the EMSWCD website.