November 8, 2022 Election

The United States Postal Service started delivering official ballots on October 19, 2022. Voted ballots must be received at any county elections office in Oregon or Official Ballot Drop Site location by 8 p.m., Tuesday, November 8, — or be postmarked by November 8 if mailed — to be counted. Voters can sign up for Track Your Ballo.

A complete list and map of ballot drop boxes and voter service locations can be found Mutlnomah website. The map below shows the drop boxes and voting express center near Wood Village.

Sitios oficiales de entrega de boletas electorales en el condado de Multnomah

Официальные урны для избирательных бюллетеней в округе Multnomah

Офіційний пункт збору виборчих бюлетенів округу Multnomah

For information on the general Oregon and Multnomah County measures, visit the Oregon Voter guide website. To view the Voters' Pamphlet with information on voting, candidates, and measures in languages other than English, visit the Oregon Secretary of State website. For voters who need voting accommodations, visit the Easy Voting guide page.